3. Where are the massive drums: Sofia Camacho in Mexico

Sofia is the owner of a consultancy firm Kaxan that specializes in environmental and gender issues in Mexico. She went on a trip on Ship for World Youth (http://swy.international/) where she connected with her calling. I. Want. To. Go. On. A. Ship! She is now running several campaigns on the endangered species in Mexico and loves odd conversations with people--Aha! And so, she is here on the show.    You can reach Sofia via email at sofia@kaxan.org or LinkedIn at Sofia Camacho. Access the full interview transcription here (https://www.herbitofmadness.com) and support my work on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/herbitofmadness)!!  Thank you Oh My Rita! for the podcast music. You are my sunshine:)

Om Podcasten

If you ended up here, consider yourself a little mad. My name is Miki! I am an anthropologist based in Japan and I currently work with rebellious young children. I love mad people striving towards a different world. I do not understand madness, but I seek madness. This podcast, her bit of madness, is a means for myself to connect to those working with social change and create an irresistible madness together that encourages a world that works for more. Subscribe and lettuce be mad together:)