BONUS: Becoming A Breathwork Facilitator 🌬 Sarah's Journey W/ The Healing Couple

LINK TO APPLY FOR BREATHWORK TEACHER TRAINING: Click Here by JULY 7TH to get the earlybird discount of $500 OFF! LINK TO JOIN THE WAITLIST(S) FOR SARAH'S NEW BREATHWORK OFFERINGS: Click Here recently went through and graduated from Breathwork Teacher Training with The Healing Couple!! (@thehealingcouple) In this episode, she shares details of her experience and answers all of your questions! She responds to:How can I make money helping others & doing something I love?Can being a breathwork facilitator help me add to or shift my career?Why did you choose to do this training with The Healing Couple?What was the structure of the program?1-2 things that were most helpful by taking this training?Do I have to have my own business to become a breathwork facilitator?Was there anything not helpful, or that you wished would have happened in the training?When facilitating, do you read scripts, memorize, or does it come from the heart/intuition in the moment?Do you feel equipped enough after the training to take individuals and groups through breathwork?Did you feel the investment was worth what you received? How do I apply for the next round?Do I have to practice breathwork before I become a facilitator? If so, how?How does this program compare to others you’ve done?LET’S BREATHE & get VIBEY

Om Podcasten

This show is on a hiatus and is no longer producing episodes or running the Her Vibe Is Pretty FB Group or Instagram. For fresh new content and episodes, head to All The Things with Sarah Jean on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.