Astronomy and Planetariums w/ Andrew Kerr

Today, I sit down with Andrew Kerr, head of the Dale Etheridge Planetarium in Las Vegas!  Andrew is an astronomer and physicist who received his PhD for his work on the Gravito-Electromagnetic Effect and the Cosmological Constant. In this episode, we talk about the state of planetariums, seek to understand the utility of constellations and star classifications, try to grasp the milestones and timescales that make up our universe, and project into the future of our solar system! Learn more: Thank you for watching and for being an inquisitive being.

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Globetrotting and mind exploring comedian Shane Mauss interviews scientists each week on journey to answer the biggest questions about the meanings of life (as well as a bunch of other random stuff you never imagined you would care about). Favorite topics include: psychology, biology, evolution, cognitive biases, behavioral economics, mating, animal behavior, neuroscience, and the subconscious