To wish to be well is a part of becoming well

subscribe to the from love itself newsletter for daily motivation  & like minded friends: insta: In this episode, Zozo dives into heartbreak: what it truly is, why prioritizing your healing is important, and how to move forward. Zozo also guides you through a transformative visualization exercise to support your journey. Remember, healing is available to everyone who believes in its possibility and its alignment with their divine purpose. As always, please exercise caution while listening if driving or operating machinery.

Om Podcasten

From Love Itself Radio with Zozo Shumba creates the ultimate meditative experience by providing expansive healing audio experiences to facilitate a light based life. With new episodes weekly, join your host as she unlocks your own wisdom and healing power through heart opening experiences, the occasional conversation, and deep moments of feeling. Where light, love, and real, find expression, each episode is created to help you reconnect with who you are, and who's you are.