HERstory: Kate Lemere - Chicago Fitness Expert

“The only thing to do is move forward, that’s it, it really is that simple”. In this guest interview with Kate Lemere, we cover everything from fitness and nutrition to vaginal healing and baby blues. Kate’s take on common terms like “letting yourself go” and the question of “am I the only one going through this” is not only inspiring but extremely validating for women in every walk of life. Her message is clear, remove the urgency, the expectations, the extremes and we can tackle any goal that serves us. In a month where we many times turn to quick fixes and detoxes, simple habits and daily choices will win in the long run every time.


The Four Percent Blog

Barry’s Boot Camp

Atomic Habits

Organ Prolapse and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy 

Let’s connect!

MEET KATE LEMERE: https://www.instagram.com/katelemere/?hl=en

HERSELF INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/herselfpodcast
MEET AMY: instagram.com/ameskiefer

MEET ABBY: instagram.com/abbyrosegreen

HERSELF SHOWNOTES: www.herselfpodcast.com

Om Podcasten

As women, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others. But your life isn't supposed to look like hers! Being your best self means standing firm in your decisions and always being willing to grow with a purpose. Amy and Abby get vulnerable and real with an honest look into the challenges and triumphs we all face. Every woman listening gets the opportunity to choose what life looks like for HERself.