The One Where They Talk About Talking to Kids About POLITICS

Is it possible to talk about politics without talking about politics? Today is ELECTION DAY. And it’s the most heated election season we can remember… So what better way to try to set an example of respect for our kids, than to take 3 women with differing viewpoints and challenge them to have an entire conversation WITHOUT judgement! How much of the division, name-calling, and general gross-ness are our kids picking up on? When is the right time to start talking about politics? Do your kids know who you’re voting for? And should a “pol-i-tax” be a thing? Find out if Jen, Corri & Kaela are able to remain entirely non-partisan while discussing how and when to talk to their kids about the election!    Please hit us up with your own stories and recommendations, as we navigate this tricky topic!

Om Podcasten

Jen Mayer Kulp, Corri English, and Kaela Kinney pull their real life mom convos up in front of a mic so that moms can feel seen, heard, and included… without judgement. It‘s the place for a fun, feel-good hang - where we don’t care if you breast or bottle feed, co-sleep or cry it out, sanitize a paci until it spontaneously combusts or lick it and put it straight back in baby’s mouth. The common thread is loving the crap out of these tiny humans we get to raise, while also sharing in the fact that it’s hard as sh*t. We aren’t experts, just mommas, living right in the thick of mom life. Connect with us: