Nick Switches iPhones

Awww man, the title gave it away. Sort of. Nick spent a lot of money, but it's okay, because it's for the podcast. Right? Right?Stuff from this episode:iPhone 12 MiniStaypuckNintendo Switch (Amazon affiliate link)Ticket to RideMario Kart 8 (Amazon affiliate link)Nintendo WiiWii SportsDeath SquaredThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Amazon affiliate link)PortalPortal 2Portal Stories: MelMad Katz ControllersZelda: Breath of the Wild (Amazon affiliate link)SpaceX StarlinkStadiaEpistoryCommand and ConquerStarCraftCanon EOS Webcam UtilityYeti Nano (Amazon affiliate link)Yeti Nano Boom MountM1 MacBook ProTwitterPodcast: @Hidden_NodeNick Turner: @nickjvturnerJoel Crane: @Potato_Fi

Om Podcasten

To create this podcast, your hosts Nick Turner and Joel Crane have tapped their "telephone" conversation with the idea that maybe, just maybe, someone else on planet Earth will find the discussion entertaining. But let's face it: this conversation was probably going to take place anyway. Expect topics to vary enormously, from financial technology, 3D printing, macOS, Android, and of course, Wi-Fi, given that we both "work" (or more accurately, operate) in the Wi-Fi industry.