Crumby Cookies and Quietly Quilting Queens

Juanita and Tim are hanging out and listening to the Hangmail from real kid callers, with tongue twisters about ball-bouncing babies and quietly quilting queens, riddles about lumpy camels and crumby cookies, and jokes about sneezes and fresh-mouthed muffins. Call 888-5-HANGOUT to record YOUR jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, or science questions, and you just might hear yourself in our next Hangout! And find us on Facebook @Highlights Hangout, on Twitter and Instagram @HighlightsPod.

Om Podcasten

Highlights Hangout is a monthly podcast that brings Highlights Magazine, an American icon, to life in a whole new way. This magazine-style show hosted by Tim Kubart and Juanita Andersen offers a unique audio spin on the stories, characters, puzzles, and jokes that millions of kids dive into each month in the pages of Highlights including "Goofus and Gallant", "The Hidden Sound Game" ("Hidden Pictures" with sounds!), and listener submitted jokes, tongue twisters, poems and wow-worthy science questions answered by Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz from "Wow in the World"!