Nutrition For Better Relationships As HSPs With Lisa Masé

130  The quality of our relationships are deeply impacted by various aspects of our Mind-Body-Heart Systems' well-being. Especially our emotional well-being, which is deeply affected by our physical health (specifically our nutritional, hormonal, and nervous system health).  In this episode, we will talk about all this with a special guest, Nutritionist Lise Masé. Listen in to our conversation (involving chocolate, magic and mystery, and the word “hangry”) to learn: Why nutrition matters when it comes to emotional and relationship well-being, and why you would even want to learn how to support your sensitive system nutritionally. How food, and food choices and habits impact our nervous systems regulation, hormones, thoughts, moods, and emotions, and ultimately our ability to be in connection with our significant other. Why sensitive people are prone to digestive issues.Which foods help and which hurt…(such as foods that cause anxiety, and those that counter it)How nutritionally supporting yourself isn’t just about the foods you eat, but the way you eat them!Why pleasure helps you shift your eating habits to more optimal ones for your unique system – and how to have more of it in your meals!How guiding your mind is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to optimal nutrition.Specific small practices, and strategies that you can explore that will support the most aligned eating for your specific system ……All of which will help have a less reactive Mind-Body-Heart system and help you attain optimal well-being in your nervous system, which will translate into more vitality, more ease, more connection and an overall better marriage. Listen in.ENJOYING THE SHOW?Get the HSHM Podcast Map, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE. Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher.Leave  a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!SHOW NOTESLearn more and join the waitlist for Treasured, Hannah's marriage coaching program for sensitive women, HERE.  Find Lisa at her website, Get More Free Support, Courses and Coaching for your Relationship HERE.

Om Podcasten

Marriage Coach and HSP Love Expert Hannah Brooks teaches sensitive women how to not only have an easier marriage but to have a marriage where love, understanding, lightness, and connection gets deeper every day.   Highly Sensitive people have unique differences that lead to predictable challenges in committed relationships, and sometimes even the deterioration of love.   Right now your marriage might feel difficult: you may get upset easily, feel weighed down by resentment, hurt, irritation. It does not have to stay this way. Because as a sensitive person you are cut out for the best marriage possible. You just need to learn and apply a few things you were never taught.  You'll hear relatable stories, interviews, advice, and coaching on just what you need to know to use your sensitivity to your advantage in love.   You’ll learn how to stop taking things personally, manage your feelings, feel so secure and good about yourself, feel empowered instead of stuck, and how to influence (without manipulation) how your partner feels and behaves towards you, so you can just enjoy the person you’ve chosen as your partner, and invite so much more love and joy into your daily lives together.