The Blonde Conspiracy feat. Greg Zink (An Impossible Interview VII)

In this newest History Impossible conversation, I’m speaking with Greg Zink, the host of the Smoke Filled Rooms podcast, a new and up-and-coming show that gives us a deep dive into political true crime. I’ve been following Greg since he started his show in early 2022, beginning with a series on the Nuremberg Trials, and when he tackled a topic I had been considering doing myself ever since I threatened all of you with a return to Hollywood’s scandalous history—namely, the death (and life) of Marilyn Monroe—I invited him onto History Impossible to discuss both it and the recent divisive Andrew Dominik (director of the sublime The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) pseudo-biopic of Marilyn Monroe, 2022’s Blonde.In addition to discussing that film, we also examined how it took pretty decisive aim against Hollywood as it currently exists by highlighting the scum-baggery of Hollywood in the 1950s and 1960s (needless to say, controversial opinions—mostly my own—are voiced). We also examine how the film both succeeds and fails as a depiction of Marilyn Monroe’s complexity as a human being, and how, in showing the problematic relationship Monroe had with JFK, essentially manages to toe the line of actual slander/libel (though it doesn’t stop us from raking the Kennedy family over the coals later on). Following that discussion we delve into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Monroe’s death that Greg so expertly explored in his own five-part series.Needless to say, it’s a fun, controversial, and ultimately tragic ride (given the subject matter). But it was also a very enlightening and interesting conversation for me, given Greg’s attention to detail in such a notorious potential case. You may never look at Hollywood the same way again.…History Impossible has been made possible by the following generous supporters on Patreon, Substack, and PayPal. Please consider donating today to help keep me free and this show alive. David AdamcikAlireza Atarian Benjamin Elias Borota Charles C CJ Cliffydeuce CR daddygorgon Richard Davey Paul DeCoster Nathan Diehl Bob Downing Rob Duval Gavin Edwards eli123ky Feegoa Kevin GonyNathan Grote Al Hall Benjamin Hamilton Peter Hauck Joseph Hurst Thomas Justesen Mike Kalnins Bryn Kaufman Benjamin Lee Trevor Lindborg Maddy Mounty of Madness Jose Martinez Mike Mayleben Judy McCoid Monica Kostas Moros Ryan Mortenson Ben Mullen Skip Pacheco Molly Pan Jeff Parrent Jean Peters Brian Pritzl PJ Rader Gleb Radutsky Aleksandr Rakitin Edward Ray Jon Andre Saether Alison Salo Jake Scalia Emily SchmidtJulian Schmidt Cameron Smith Thomas Squeo Brian Steggeman Pier-Luc St-Pierre Athal Krishna Sundarrajan Philipp Surkov Jared Cole Temple ChrisTX Robert VS Steve Uhler Jonny Wilkie Ricky Worthey F. You Gregory ZinkBecome a supporter of this podcast:

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History Impossible covers some of the less-known, strange, and supposedly impossible events, people, and ideologies throughout history that are all nonetheless true. The settings and time periods range from the Second World War to ancient Japan to medieval Europe, and many more. The show engages with difficult ideas and impossible decisions that were made by human beings like you or me, always to significant effect. It goes out of its way to grant agency to all of its subjects and does its best to present the most nuanced approach one can, all while acknowledging any personal biases that may exist. You will not find a more honest attempt at presenting difficult and controversial historical topics.Become a supporter of this podcast: