Girl Power | 6

On this episode of the History of the 90s, Host Kathy Kenzora looks back at Girl Power, a 90’s phenomenon that introduced a generation of young girls to feminism and empowerment. If you think of the Spice Girls when you hear Girl Power, you are not wrong. But before the Spice Girls were kicking it for the girls with hit songs like “Wannabe,” the Riot GRRL movement in the Pacific Northwest was advocating for Girl Power.   We’ll talk to authors Alison Yarrow and Anne T. Donahue as we track the Girl Power movement from Riot Grrl to the Spice Girls and try to understand how it impacted music and society in the 90s and today.  Contact: Twitter: @1990shistory Facebook: @1990shistory Instagram: @that90spodcast Email: Guests: Anne T. Donahue  Twitter: @annetdonahue Instagram: @annetdonahue Allison Yarrow, author of 90s Bitch: Media, Culture and the Failed Equality Promise of Gender Equality Twitter: @Aliyarrow  Instagram: @Aliyarrow For exclusive bonus content subscribe to History of the 90s Patreon page.: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

On History of the 90’s we travel back in time through the stories that defined a decade. The last 10 years of the 20th century was a time like no other, from Columbine to Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Seinfeld, Air Jordan, and the Spice Girls …if it happened in the 90’s you’ll hear about it on this podcast. Join Kathy Kenzora as we journey through the History of the 90's every other Wednesday.