The Life and Legacy of Ryan White | 71

During the early days of the AIDS epidemic, the North American blood supply became contaminated with HIV from infected donors. As a result, by the mid-1980s, about 10,000 hemophiliacs were infected with HIV. 13-year-old Ryan White from Kokomo, Indiana was one of those who contracted the virus through a tainted blood product and after he was barred from attending school, he became a crusader to end the stigmatization associated with HIV/AIDS. On this episode of History of the 90s host Kathy Kenzora looks back at the life and legacy of Ryan White. Thanks to Ryan’s mother Jeanne White-Ginder who gave permission for use of the audio heard in this episode. It is available to listen to in its entirety here: Who Was Ryan White? | Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program ( GUEST: Nelson Price, author of The Quiet Hero: A Life of Ryan White Show Contact Info: Instagram: @that90spodcast Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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On History of the 90’s we travel back in time through the stories that defined a decade. The last 10 years of the 20th century was a time like no other, from Columbine to Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Seinfeld, Air Jordan, and the Spice Girls …if it happened in the 90’s you’ll hear about it on this podcast. Join Kathy Kenzora as we journey through the History of the 90's every other Wednesday.