HitchPod Episode 50 - The Farmer's Wife

Much like a farmer desperately searching for a wife, we’re desperately searching for a 50th episode. And we find it in Hitchcock’s 1928 silent film The Farmer’s Wife. Topics discussed include heist movies starring digital Hitchcock movie actors, the hilarity of removing one’s hat and optimal rejection lines. Patreon supporters also get access to a bonus podcast in which we Hitchcockify Four Weddings and a Funeral. Find out how to access that segment by going to https://www.hitchpodonline.com/support-hitchpod/, which is where you’ll also get access to our previous episodes on Rear Window, Strangers on a Train, Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho, Rebecca, Dial M For Murder and more. Links The original play: https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Jdx8CgAAQBAJ&pg=PT42&lpg=PT42&dq=henry+coaker+dick+coaker&source=bl&ots=AG2B5mQERh&sig=ACfU3U200A_Z4trEEzAwdJ2urqXcH-DWIA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjipMmk6Ir1AhWwILcAHSNtCXEQ6AF6BAgJEAM#v=onepage&q&f=false The intertitles: https://the.hitchcock.zone/wiki/The_Farmer%27s_Wife_(1928)_-_titles_and_intertitles Farmer wants a wife folk song (WARNING: Wiggles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkHiee0vy_E

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A podcast about Alfred Hitchcock movies. Cat Jones and Dan Liebke watch and talk about one movie of Alfred Hitchcock each month, in a way that's easily accessible for experienced Hitchcock watchers and newcomers alike. This is the free feed that contains only the most recent episodes. For the full feed, go to our website at www.hitchpodonline.com