HitchPod Episode 55 - Hitchcock in Half an Hour

Can we summarise all of Hitchcock’s movies in half an hour? We give it a solid crack. The whole purpose for doing this is to jog your memories of the details of the various movies so you can vote for your favourites over at www.hitchpodonline.com/top20 and help us decide the top 20 Hitchcock movies for our season 2 countdown! Note: This episode contains some light spoilers on some of the movies. In particular, if you haven’t watched Shadow of a Doubt, The Paradine Case or Stage Fright and want to do so unspoiled, then maybe watch them before listening. If you’d like to hear us talk more about any or all of these movies, you can access our podcasts on each of them by supporting us from as little as $2 a month. By doing so, you’ll also get access to a whole heap of bonus features as well. https://www.hitchpodonline.com/support-hitchpod/

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A podcast about Alfred Hitchcock movies. Cat Jones and Dan Liebke watch and talk about one movie of Alfred Hitchcock each month, in a way that's easily accessible for experienced Hitchcock watchers and newcomers alike. This is the free feed that contains only the most recent episodes. For the full feed, go to our website at www.hitchpodonline.com