HitchPod Rewatch Countdown, Number 20 - Frenzy

The 20th best Hitchcock movie according to our listeners is Frenzy from 1972. We therefore kick off our second season with a Frenzy rewatch podcast, featuring new intros, new segments and the same old hosts. Jokes, limericks, deep dives, prequels, sequels and spin-offs. Everything you need to know to enjoy a rewatch of Frenzy. (Or your first watch - we’re not dogmatic about this.) If you want more Hitchcock content, please consider becoming a HitchPod supporter. Just go to patreon.com/HitchPod and for as little as $2/month get access to our Season 1 coverage of every single Hitchcock movie, as well as bonus episodes on Hitchcockesque movies, invitations to live rewatches and much, much more.

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A podcast about Alfred Hitchcock movies. Cat Jones and Dan Liebke watch and talk about one movie of Alfred Hitchcock each month, in a way that's easily accessible for experienced Hitchcock watchers and newcomers alike. This is the free feed that contains only the most recent episodes. For the full feed, go to our website at www.hitchpodonline.com