Episode 128: Engaging Today’s Suffering with Hope with Sam and Toni Collier
**FIRST: We have VIDEO!! WATCH this episode here.** In the midst of national and global suffering, it seems almost wrong to put the word "hope" near it. However, pastor and author Sam Collier, alongside his wife and ministry leader, Toni Collier, know how to carry both hurt and hope in each hand. How can we do that, too? Just ... listen. //: Highlights: “It’s impossible to pursue justice without hope.” –Sam “The gospel compels us to be one. I don’t think we get the luxury as believers to forfeit the fight of racism or anything that is keeping us apart. It is a gospel mandate. People say, ‘Just preach the gospel.’ This is the gospel.” —Sam “We all need to get into our brains the if we are to demand equality, fairness, and love for our own sphere of influence in the world, we dang sure better be willing to demand it and stand for it for everybody else.” —Toni //: Do the next thing: GO and preorder Sam's book! Find it here. Broken Crayons Still Color page that Roni founded? Here. Follow them on the socials here and here. The Journey Well Study we mention? Find it here.