Episode 137: A Book that Leads to Worship with Ben and Lauren Schulke
It’s almost LAUNCH WEEK! Join us this week as we invite Ben and Lauren Schulke, leaders of the Impossible Marriage book launch team, into the studio to talk about the message of the book! We’ll hear about the Schulke’s story, some interesting marriage advice, highlights of the book, and—as always—how the gospel is good news for everyone, everyday. I Highlights: I “How is the gospel good news to us right now? I really think it’s in this place of God wanting me to be kind to myself.” -Ben Schulke “I don’t cry in books, even if they’re really good or really beautifully written, but this one, your book, I wept through most of it…They were tears of hope and joy...” -Lauren Schulke “It kind of instigated this worship, I guess…Just thanking Jesus and worshiping Jesus because you guys couldn’t fix it! No one can fix this….I also hope that [the book] helps spring up hope in people, also understanding that…nothing’s going to fix a broken marriage….But Jesus can.” -Lauren Schulke I Do the Next Thing: I Join our LAUNCH TEAM! The last day to sign up is Wednesday, the 9th! https://lauriekrieg.com/impossible-marriage/ Watch this conversation! https://vimeo.com/454785156 Listen to Ben and Lauren’s story here! https://lauriekrieg.com/podcast/broken-beloved-pastors-part-1-with-ben-and-lauren-schulke/