Episode 78: Q & D: Purpose, Church Angst, and Your Questions with the Crew

The crew is back together! ​Laurie, Matt, and Producer Steve dive into their first-ever Q & D (Question & Discussion) podcast. Together, they explore areas they have wanted to dive into more deeply including: More of Matt's story of when he felt so purposeless he decided to end his life in junior high (and then launched into a coping mechanism of pornography addiction) Some of our angst about left/right polarity and clinging to our "rights" as Christians How parents who are fighting with their LGBT+ kids can seek deep relationship with one another How false forgiveness has been used to silence victims And! Things we are looking forward to (including) future episodes with Ann Voskamp, Christopher West, and Dan Allender!   //: Highlights: "I was trying to solidify myself. Eventually, I got to the point where none of the things I was doing made me feel substantive ... Everything I was trying to put in this place of giving me purpose and giving me value it [didn't] work. 'I hate it. And I hate myself.'" --Matt Krieg "If we don't see each other as family, we will throw each other each other under the bus as soon as the heat gets turned up. I am not going to to go the wall for a fellow customer at Walmart. But I will go to the wall for somebody who is a part of my family (even if I don't agree with them about everything), because I love them and am committed to them." --Steve O'Dell ​ "Are we grieving for our enemies? Or are we screaming at our enemies and clinging to our 'rights'? Jesus himself did not cling to his rights, but he considered them nothing and took the humble form of a servant." --Laurie Krieg   //: Do the Next Thing: The podcast episode Steve alluded to about Laurie's talk on how to lament? Find it here. To hear more of Matt's story (as told on this podcast), listen here. For More. 

Om Podcasten

On the Hole in My Heart Podcast, Laurie Krieg, her licensed-therapist husband, Matt, and their friend ”and most professional radio voice,” Producer Steve talk about how the gospel is good news for everyone every day. They most frequently talk about sexuality, addiction, trauma, discipleship, parenting, and mental health through a historically biblical sexual ethic lens, and with a bit of humor.