Episode 239: Feng Shui Consult with Waylon Lewis of Elephant Journal

For episode 239, we are presenting another feng shui home consultation. This week Anjie sits down with Waylon Lewis for a personalized review for his home in Boulder, CO. We’re so excited to share a real life feng shui consultation with our listeners. Anjie and Laura currently only offer 1-1 feng shui consultations for the students of the Mindful Design Feng Shui school, and for the curriculum, or for the podcast. In this episode we talk about: -How a concave mirror can be useful in dealing with challenging qi in and around your home. -How a bit of clutter in the home isn’t necessarily a bad thing. -How red, as a prominent color in his home, supports Waylon’s fundamental nature. -The opportunities and the challenges of having a second door in the relationship area in your home. -Activating intentions with a red envelope above the front door. And much more.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Holistic Spaces Podcast, feng shui conversations with Anjie & Laura co-founders of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School. We hope to inspire you to create your own holistic spaces that nurture and resonate with you.Anjie Cho and Laura Morris are the founders of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School. We teach feng shui online at Mindful design School! check us out at mindfuldesignschool.com and be sure to sign up for our mailing list for special free workshops and opps to ask questions for the podcast! Tune in every Monday for a new podcast episode.