Episode 248: Feng Shui True Stories

It’s always a delight to welcome to the show some of our recent graduates from the Mindful Design School. Today we are joined by Michelle Accetta, Natalie Gober and Tina Robinson. All three have completed our feng shui program and for episode 248 they join us to share stories, both personal and professional, of how feng shui has impacted their lives and careers. The relationships that we form with our students is one of the most rewarding aspects of what we do and it always inspires us to watch them integrate the teachings of feng shui into their lives and the world.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Holistic Spaces Podcast, feng shui conversations with Anjie & Laura co-founders of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School. We hope to inspire you to create your own holistic spaces that nurture and resonate with you.Anjie Cho and Laura Morris are the founders of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School. We teach feng shui online at Mindful design School! check us out at mindfuldesignschool.com and be sure to sign up for our mailing list for special free workshops and opps to ask questions for the podcast! Tune in every Monday for a new podcast episode.