Exploring the Life and Legacy of G.K. Chesterton with Holly Geiger Lee
Today's BONUS episode is with Holly Geiger Lee, a passionate advocate of living books for the homeschool family and author of the new children’s biography, The Life of Chesterton: The Man Who Carried a Swordstick and a Pen. Our conversation delved into the life and works of G.K. Chesterton, a figure who has left an indelible mark on literature, philosophy, and theology. We explored his contributions, his personal life, and how his writings can enrich the homeschooling journey. Grab your own copy of The Life of Chesterton here: https://amzn.to/3WWhp0n While you’re here, would you take a minute to leave a rating and review in your podcast app? Send me a screenshot of your review and I’ll send you my Abolition of Man webinar for FREE! Just email me your review screenshot at Amy@HumilityandDoxology.com Join Made2Homeschool for exclusive content and community: HumilityandDoxology.com/M2H https://www.made2homeschool.com/a/2147529243/KNcPGL3t FREE Homeschool Planner Calendar: https://www.humilityanddoxology.com/free-homeschool-planner-calendar/ Shakespeare with Children: https://www.humilityanddoxology.com/exploring-shakespeare-children/ Year of Memory Work: https://www.humilityanddoxology.com/year-of-memory-work/ Subscribe, rate, and review Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology Follow Amy @HumilityandDoxology on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Follow Humility and Doxology Online: Blog https://www.humilityanddoxology.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HumilityAndDoxology Instagram http://instagram.com/humilityanddoxology YouTube: YouTube.com/humilityanddoxology Amy's Favorites: https://humilityanddoxology.com/favorites This podcast and description contains affiliate links.