++UPDATED PODCAST LIST (See links below)++

1. ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN TEACHING PODCAST DIRECTORY: https://anchor.fm/orthodox-christian-teaching 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT DRAMATIZED (KJV): https://anchor.fm/the-new-testament-kjv 3. THE NEW TESTAMENT (ORTHODOX STUDY BIBLE NKJV): https://anchor.fm/the-new-teatament-nkjv 4. THE NEW TESTAMENT DRAMATIZED (ESV): https://anchor.fm/new-testament-esv 5. DAILY NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): https://anchor.fm/daily-new-testament-kjv 6. DAILY NEW TESTAMENT DRAMATIZED (KJV): https://anchor.fm/new-testament-dramatized 7. DAILY ORTHODOX STUDY BIBLE READING (NKJV): https://anchor.fm/orthodox-bible-study 8. THE GOSPEL FOR CHILDREN (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/the-gospel-for-children 9. DAILY CATECHISM OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH: https://anchor.fm/ministry-of-the-word 10. THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD: https://anchor.fm/ministry-of-the-word 11. WORDS OF LIFE: DAILY ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP: https://anchor.fm/the-word-of-life-today 12. THE WAY OF A PILGRIM: https://anchor.fm/the-way-of-a-pilgrim 13. ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN LITURGICAL CATECHESIS (Weekly) Direct Link: https://anchor.fm/liturgical-catechesis 14. HOMILIES OF FR JOHN FINLEY (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/fr-john-finley 15. FR JON BRAUN TEACHING ARCHIVE (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/fr-jon-braun 16. SIMPLY ORTHODOX with Dr Bradley Nassif (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/fr-john-finley 17. EVANGELICAL ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: https://anchor.fm/evangelical-orthodox 18. FR MICHAEL HARPER TEACHING ARCHIVE: https://anchor.fm/fr-michael-harper 19. HOMILIES OF METROPOLITAN ANTHONY BLOOM (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/metropolitan-anthony 20,HOMILIES OF FR SERAPHIM ROSE: https://anchor.fm/hieromonk-seraphim-rose 21. FR SERAPHIM ROSE SPEAKS TODAY (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/fr-seraphim-rose-speaks-today 22. HOMILIES OF FR LAZARUS MOORE: https://anchor.fm/fr-lazarus-moore 23. MINISTRY OF FR EUSEBIUS STEPHANOU: https://anchor.fm/fr-eusebius-stephanou 24. THE LOGOS OUTREACH WITH FR EUSEBIUS STEPHANOU: https://anchor.fm/the-logos-outreach 25. HOMILIES OF ELDER ATHANASIOS MITILINAIOS (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/athanasios-mitilinaios 26. THE BOOK OF REVELATION WITH ELDER ATHANASIOS MITILINAIOS (Weekly): https://anchor.fm/the-book-of-revelation PRAYER PODCASTS 27. ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN DAILY PRAYER: https://anchor.fm/orthodox-christian-prayer 28. MATINS AND VESPERS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH: https://anchor.fm/daily-matins-and-vespers 29. BYZANTINE PROSOMIA: THE CHANTER’S COMPANION: https://anchor.fm/the-byzantine-prosomia 30. O GENTLE LIGHT (Monastic Radio Outreach) (Monthly): https://anchor.fm/o-gentle-light 31. DAILY PRAYER WITH HOLY CROSS MONASTERY:;https://anchor.fm/holy-cross-daily-prayer 32. DAILY HOURS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH: THE HOROLOGION Direct Link: https://anchor.fm/the-horologion 33. THE PSALTER WITH HOLY CROSS MONASTERY: https://anchor.fm/the-psalter-holy-cross 34. Η Καινή Διαθήκη κάθε μέρα στο πρωτότυπο κείμενο (Koine Greek Bible): https://anchor.fm/daily-bible-koine-greek 35. Η Καινή Διαθήκη κάθε μέρα στην vεοελληνική με μουσική υπόκρουση (Greek Bible): https://anchor.fm/daily-new-testament-greek 36. H Καινή Διαθήκη στο πρωτότυπο κείμενο (Koine Greek Bible): https://anchor.fm/new-testament-koine-greek 37. H Καινή Διαθήκη στην vεοελληνική με μουσική υπόκρουση (Greek Bible): https://anchor.fm/new-testament-greek-drama 38. Το Ψαλτήριον (The Psalter in Greek): https://anchor.fm/the-psalter-in-greek 39. Η Αποκάλυψη: Ομιλίες του Αρχιμ. Αθανασίου Μυτιληναίου (Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios): https://anchor.fm/homilies-on-apocalypse 40. Ομιλίες Γέροντος Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτου (Homilies of Elder Ephraim): https://anchor.fm/elder-ephraim-philotheou 41. Πείρα Αγιορειτών Πατέρων (Wisdom from the Holy Mountain): https://anchor.fm/wisdom-from-holy-mountain 42. Ιεροκήρυκας Δημήτριος Παναγόπουλος (Preacher Dimitrios Panagopoulos): https://anchor.fm/dimitrios-panagopoulos 43. Псалтир (The Psalter in Slavonic): https://anchor.fm/the-psalter-in-slavonic

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Orthodox Christian podcast channel in honor and memory of Fr Seraphim Rose (1934-1982). Fr Seraphim was a hieromonk, author and speaker who dedicated his life to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and calling modern man to repentance, faith and true life in Christ. From his remote monastic cabin in the mountains of northern California, he produced writings that have reached millions throughout the earth. Today he is one of the most beloved spiritual teachers in America, Russia and Europe. His spoken and written teaching have changed countless lives with their sobering truth.