Not Getting What You Want

Morning Mantra: “Sometimes not getting what you think you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”If the door closes, quit banging on it. Whatever was behind it was not meant for you. Consider the fact that maybe the door was closed because you are worth so much more than what was on the other side.Process it, grieve it if you need to, then accept it and be open for what’s next. You’ll never get what you deserve if you are still holding on to what’s not.#BeOKWithClosedDoors #BeHappy #BeHorsey #Be...

Om Podcasten

Horse Hippie offers it's social media followers an inspirational quote each day. These are called our Morning Mantras. They are a great, positive way to start your day.Now, these Morning Mantras are being shared via our podcast. Listen each day to start it the best way!