Ep. 45 Sex, Cheating, and Married At First Sight?! We talk about it all - and get advice for keeping the romance alive - with relationship expert, Pastor Cal!

This week we have Married At First Sight's Pastor Cal on to give all the best tips and tricks on keeping the spark alive in your marriage ;) We chat about sex, cheating and the seasons of Married At First Sight! Ya won't wanna miss it!! Special offers from this week's episode! •For 20% off your first purchase, visit nativedeodorant.com and use promo code HMCP during checkout! •Get your L. organic tampons, pads, and liners RIGHT NOW by going to THIS IS L DOT COM slash (HMCP). That’s THISISL.COM/HMCP •Sign up for Zebit TODAY at Zebit.com/HMCP and get up to $2500 credit to shop the Zebit marketplace at ZERO interest and ZERO cost to join. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy

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Are you looking for someone to share their deepest, darkest secrets on keeping their marriage spicy? Are you like, “puhhlease DISH on how to be a cool parent .. because, yeah ... I dunno!” Well Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner have got all you hubbies and wifeys - and mommies and daddies - covered, because each week they find a guest who will SPILL all their dirty secrets! Because we all wanna keep our marriages hot and our parenting cool!