Compatibility, Chemistry & Phermonology
This week the girls exchange very personal information relating to a very creepy personality quiz that Sophie had to take. They talk their colours, from a personality perspective and some very rude advice a computer gave Sophie. They proceed to discuss group dynamics, chemistry, compatibility and Clara delves into pheromones which really gets Sophie going. The sexual scent of someone and this fragrance you can purchase to enhance it… Sophie smells an experiment a foot. Will someone send her some Molecule Fragrance? Also word to the wise girls, always trust your snout.Follow the pheromonial females on Instagram to get a sense of their scent: @clazzykabana and @soph_lyonsPS galtini's... For more info on what Clara was harping on about, here is the Compatibility and Chemistry article Hosted on Acast. See for more information.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.