Fear Hacking

Fear is the biggest obstacle to achieving our dream life. Though we may never fully eradicate fear from our life, this episode will wrap it in a big blanket of understanding and love...and healthy a dose of bad b*tchery. Meditation Class, So Cal Psychic Institute: https://www.socalpi.org/classes.htm Join the House on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/herbyhouse The Vortex Book, Abraham Hicks: https://a.co/d/3Wd2DZa Bren's Excerpt: https://brenontheroad.com/real-reason-youre-afraid-chase-d...

Om Podcasten

Music artists Qveen Herby and Jedi Nick invite us into their safe space for self-discovery. This podcast explores the ups and downs of creative living, delivered like a pep-talk from your besties. Get your weekly motivation and permission to go after your wildest dreams with a side of witchy chaos.