Exploring the Gospels - righteous hatred - Marcus Da Costa

Coming from above, Yeshua has unique insight, being a first hand witness of the Kingdom of YeHoVaH and how to fulfil the obligations of it’s citizenry. His ministry is that which he has seen and heard directly from the Father, which his disciples must believe and therefore replicate, if they’re to assimilate into the kingdom their master descended from. Therefore, unlike his disciples, Yeshua’s life and sacrifice, is a testament of experience, giving preeminence to the kingdom he descended from, all the while his disciples must believe him and therefore be willing to forsake all on earth to acquire it.

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House Of Israel U.K (HOI UK), is A Messianic, Hebraic Roots, discipleship training and leadership Development Center. As a Torah-teaching, spirit-filled, new covenant ministry, we actively teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith. The uniqueness of House of Israel London is its blend of living under grace, understanding the laws of YeHoVaH (GOD) and its balanced approach to operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. House Of Israel London invites you to join us in worship and fellowship at 1pm every Saturday. House of Israel London is located at: Lascar Wharf Community Centre, 19 Parnham Street, London E14 7FN.