Exploring the Gospels - seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain - Marcus Da Costa

Because the principle ‘You must use and interpret scripture according to its purpose’ isn’t applied or known whilst reading through the gospel records, an environment for biblical cultural eiesgesis, where one projects the ideals, norms and values of their culture into the scripture has been established. As a result, although many my follow the Messiah, be called and call themselves his disciples, there’re few who are chosen - the elect who’ll conform unto his image. What distinguishes them from those who simply came and followed, is being fully subscribed to the visual, audible and kinaesthetic teaching methodology of Messiah. Today, the elect travel down this road of transformation, by the leading of the Spirit and word in order to conform unto him, and it is for this cause that a sound hermeneutical methodology is obligatory.

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House Of Israel U.K (HOI UK), is A Messianic, Hebraic Roots, discipleship training and leadership Development Center. As a Torah-teaching, spirit-filled, new covenant ministry, we actively teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith. The uniqueness of House of Israel London is its blend of living under grace, understanding the laws of YeHoVaH (GOD) and its balanced approach to operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. House Of Israel London invites you to join us in worship and fellowship at 1pm every Saturday. House of Israel London is located at: Lascar Wharf Community Centre, 19 Parnham Street, London E14 7FN.