Remember Educational Media? (with Adam Conover)

You've seen comedian and writer Adam Conover break down important topics on his hit TV shows "Adam Ruins Everything" and "The G Word With Adam Conover," but his intellectual expertise also extends to nostalgia. On this episode of the podcast, Adam tells us about the video games he played on his graphing calculator in school, his his indie rock/funny folk music band and why he hopes no one listening to this podcast will ever hear it. We also dive deep into the educational television series Square One Television, Vanessa and Jonah reminisce about Ben Affleck's memorable role in "Voyage of the Mimi" and we trace the career traject of the vocal group Rockapella from Carmen Sandiego's house band to Folgers instant coffee fame. Finally, we play a round of YESTOLGIA OR NOSTALGIA where we debate the merits of Cinnabon-flavored cereal, the return of Taco Bell's Enchirito and the rebooted Teletubbies. If you're looking for a podcast that's entertaining as it is educational (especially when it comes to the properties of the number nine) look no further, podcast listener! See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Before sibling duo Vanessa Bayer and Jonah Bayer took the comedy, music and general world by storm, they were just some lil weirdo kids. Joined by exciting guests who also started out this way, they reminisce about everything from toys to trends on How Did We Get Weird? Unless you’re a monster, you’ll want to listen to this nostalgia-filled, hilarious and surprisingly sweet podcast where they discuss how those formative years that shaped them into who they are today.