Remember VHS Tapes? (with Michelle Zauner)

You may know Michelle Zauner from her Grammy-nominated musical act Japanese Breakfast or New York Times best-selling memoir "Crying in H Mart," but before all that she was just a kid who loved Sailor Moon. Michelle dropped by the pod this week to talk about watching and rewatching her favorite childhood VHS tapes, taking guitar lessons in the world's most corporate setting and the lessons she learned growing up about dining etiquette. Along the way Michelle helps Jonah and Vanessa call out their middle school music teacher for not lightening up and letting Jonah listen to Metallica in class, the three of us discuss the green room cheese plate situation for Japanese Breakfast's performance on this year's SNL season finale. As if that weren't enough, we also introduce a BRAND NEW SEGMENT called "Legit Moan Or Unnecessary Groan" that is kind of difficult to explain but should not be missed and sees us tackling the legacy of Crankshaft, Lawrence Welk and Giant Eagle supermarket's controversial stocking decisions. EPISODE NOTE: we accidentally say the Silent Generation came before the Greatest Greatest Generation when it's actually the other way around and we apologize for the mix-up, but honestly don't focus on that, Boomer.See for privacy information.

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Before sibling duo Vanessa Bayer and Jonah Bayer took the comedy, music and general world by storm, they were just some lil weirdo kids. Joined by exciting guests who also started out this way, they reminisce about everything from toys to trends on How Did We Get Weird? Unless you’re a monster, you’ll want to listen to this nostalgia-filled, hilarious and surprisingly sweet podcast where they discuss how those formative years that shaped them into who they are today.