Remember Your First Job? (with JD Samson)

You may know JD Samson as the musician in critically acclaimed acts like Le Tigre and MEN, but did you know she also went to high school with Jonah and Vanessa? On this episode we discuss Jonah's brief stint working for JD's parents, what it was like being a teenaged outcast in Ohio in the nineties and how going to an outdoor expedition summer camp changed JD's life. We also get into our first jobs, why flavored-coffee is disgusting and lament the demise of our favorite regional theme park growing up, Geauga Lake. Don't worry, you don't have to be an Orange Lion to enjoy this action-packed episode of HOW DID WE GET WEIRD?! See for privacy information.

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Before sibling duo Vanessa Bayer and Jonah Bayer took the comedy, music and general world by storm, they were just some lil weirdo kids. Joined by exciting guests who also started out this way, they reminisce about everything from toys to trends on How Did We Get Weird? Unless you’re a monster, you’ll want to listen to this nostalgia-filled, hilarious and surprisingly sweet podcast where they discuss how those formative years that shaped them into who they are today.