590. - Chris & Jason

One-on-one pod recorded live and uncut from Glendale, CA. We chat about the Milk Bar Birthday Cake outliving the Triple Berry, the Beanie Babification of Stanley Cups in America, time to throw away the Christmas tree, we need health food to return, Katt Williams' talking that mess again, Cybertruck, Stephen Hawking is having the second or third worst week ever, Jimmy K could get touched, how every late-night host has had their soul sucked from their body and how we want that too, and what Chris should get engraved on his new Air Pod Max. twitter.com/donetodeath twitter.com/themjeans Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Om Podcasten

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more. With three new episodes a week, you've got more than enough content to soak up.