605. - Chris & Jason

One-on-one pod today, Chris is back in New York, and Jason is home in Glendale. We chat about our gameday meal preps, the throughlines between community college and guacamole, innovations in the burger space, "I do a lot of business with you guys," I like watching the commercials, Beyonsphere, our predictions for the future of Tay, Ugg mules, Iron Neck just arrived, paying it forward for sex, tactical water bottle, the stars 'n bars, emotional support updates, blindx directors, and do we know if Rick Rubin can hear? twitter.com/donetodeath twitter.com/themjeans Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Om Podcasten

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more. With three new episodes a week, you've got more than enough content to soak up.