120. How To Be Awesome At Making Every Sunday Like January 1st

Today, Lindsay is talking about setting up a Sunday routine that is like New Year planning, but done on the weekly.   It allows you to look at what’s coming up and really keep your priorities top of mind.   It can be a lot of pressure to plan out the entire year and it doesn’t account for unforeseen things… and listen, you might need to pivot.     Some points Lindsay covers:   First up, do a brain dump!  Get a nice full list going with everything!   Then, organize your to do list- first up, automate, eliminate and delegate.   Rewrite your entire list each week.  So nothing sits there getting stale and it is fresh in your mind so you spend your time doing the things that are important to you.   Some weeks you’ll have time for projects like catch up on photo book making… and other weeks you won’t - then you put it on the to do later list.   But everything is on the list!!   Also- don’t take old stuff with you.  Each week is such a fresh start.  Really use it as a time to learn from mistakes, and let it go!!     It’s a great way to focus on the future more than the past.     And it allows you to goal set for the week rather than the year.  So you aren’t setting a resolution that you break in 2 weeks.. you’re planning out your priorities and things you need to get done weekly, rather than yearly.   It’s an awesome way to start your week!!

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The How To Be Awesome At Everything is a podcast about our journey to be the best that we can in everything we do. To be intentional about how we spend our time and how we treat our bodies and how the thoughts that we think and words that we say create the world that we live in. What started as a folder of life lessons to share with her kids one day has become a podcast with over one million downloads. Always with a growth mindset, Lindsay presents topics that she thinks are worth hitting pause on life to focus on. She shares her successes (and failures!) in business and in life and her journey to be awesome at everything.