127. How To Be Awesome At Marriage

Lindsay has ONE marriage hack and she’s sharing it in this episode!  And here it is… Do one thing for your spouse everyday that you weren’t going to do.   She loves it because it’s about little things and the little things become the big things.  Here are a few topics Lindsay covers: ️ It doesn’t have to cost anything! ️ It just has to be thoughtful. ️ Be sure to do/say things that are for them, not what you want or want for them ️ Think of what could make their day easier or what would be helpful. ️ Think of what would make them smile. ️ Listen to what they say they need…. Big or small, things or experiences. ️ Think about what they like doing most. ️ Think small - can take 2 seconds. ️ You can batch work it even - prepare some things ahead of time! ️ Kindness breeds kindness, you will feel the love back in some way!! Here are a few examples: ️ Charge your husbands electric car. ️ Make an appointment for them- hair, dentist, something they could do themselves but it’s nice to do. ️ Put a snack or a treat they would really like in their car. ️ A grateful text. ️ Arrange something with your partners friends or family. ️ Have fav meal or cocktail ready when they get home. ️ Signup for a class for something they love- to do together. ️ Have their favorite show loaded up with snacks when they get home. ️ Take note of something they love and restock them- socks, undies etc. ️ Loves notes - in a way that would be special to them. ️ Book an event they would like- sports or comedy type thing. ️ Warm up their towel when they are getting out of the shower. ️ Take extra care of them when they are sick or getting sick. ️ Book them an in-home massage. ️ Put a nice fresh water and an iPad on the treadmill before they go in to exercise.   Lindsay talks about how the part 2 to this episode may come in a few years when she figures out another marriage hack.  But until then, enjoy this ONE, very good one!!   Cheers!! To your happy, awesome marriage!!

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The How To Be Awesome At Everything is a podcast about our journey to be the best that we can in everything we do. To be intentional about how we spend our time and how we treat our bodies and how the thoughts that we think and words that we say create the world that we live in. What started as a folder of life lessons to share with her kids one day has become a podcast with over one million downloads. Always with a growth mindset, Lindsay presents topics that she thinks are worth hitting pause on life to focus on. She shares her successes (and failures!) in business and in life and her journey to be awesome at everything.