157. How To Be Awesome At Day Before Party Prep
In this episode we’re talking PARTIES!! And party prep and specifically what to do the day before your event to make sure it runs smoothly. I’m sharing all the hacks I’ve learned for working your buns off ahead of time and getting organized and communicating with everyone else involved… so by the time the party starts… you aren’t worried about anything and you and your guests are having the best time ever! Lindsay talks about how she’s made all the mistakes when it comes to party planning and she's spent more parties than she'd like to admit, running around trying to solve problems or she’s been running late for the set-up and guests are arriving. Today, we are making sure you avoid alllll that and plan out your parties ahead of time so they are smooth and fantastic and create the best experiences and memories with your family and friends. Most important: MENTALLY walk yourself through the next day. Make a big list and execute and communicate on it! Here are some of the topics Lindsay discusses: -Timelines and layouts of your event are key! -Helpers are key- especially day before and day of the event. -Have specific people helping with pick-up during the event and anything that needs checking or updating. -Make your photography list -Make your vendor contact list Things you MUST do the day before: -Confirm with all vendors - on the phone or email and run through all details -Have a layout of where things will go and tell vendors or helpers ahead of time -Walk through the entire event with your helper -Do everything except for fresh food ahead of time - dessert table is final thing! (You might have to rent your space for longer if you’re doing a rental) -Make sure everyone is paid! (So you aren’t paying on site) -Walk through the timing of the party -Make sure lighting and weather are good and looking good (do you need last minute umbrellas?) -Make sure you have all the things people could ask for! (Bottles of water, SPF, extra toilet paper in bathroom, everything!) -Pull out candles and lighter (so you aren’t looking for them. That’s it! Your day before party guide for having awesome parties!!