171. How To Be Awesome At Respecting Opposing Covid Views
We alll have our own thoughts about it all - masks, the vaccine, how elected officials have handled it, mandates, quarantines… But when you think about it, of course we do. We all have our own set of experiences and views and it shapes what we think and the choices we make. The crazy thing is… before the last 2 years, especially the last year, we all seemed to appreciate perspectives that were different than our own. We didn’t think that people that didn’t think like us were idiots, they just had a different set of views. In this podcast, we are chatting about the importance of respecting other people’s opinions about everything related to Covid, even though they might not align with ours. It can be so tricky when people we are close to - friends or family think differently than us- how do you navigate it and maintain your relationship. Today we are unpacking the complications that Covid perspectives can have on our relationships and how to handle it in the best way possible. Lindsay goes through these thoughts: 1. Listen to understand 2. Allow yourself to put yourself in their shoes and appreciate their perspective 3. Speak for yourself 4. Find common ground 5. Agree not to discuss it 6. Change the subject! 7. Discuss without judgment 8. Mental health should be as much of a concern as Covid itself 9. The words we speak out loud and the words we say in our head impact us SO MUCH. We have to protect our headspace and keep our stress low! 10. Understand we don’t live in a dictatorship- we are allowed to think for ourselves. That’s what our company is based on - FREEDOM! We don’t all have to think the same thing or do the same thing. We are allowed to make our own decisions and have our own opinions. Covid will continue to challenge us physically, emotionally and mentally in the months and likely years ahead. To preserve our relationships as well as our health and well-being, it’s important to acknowledge the impact the virus has had on each of us. Our goal here is to FIGHT LIKE HELL to stay in a good headspace and keep your stress low and your immune system STRONG! And when this phase is over, we still have our people right there with us!