174. How To Be Awesome At Pumping Yourself With Positivity
When you are having a day or a moment when you just need POSITIVITY- Lindsay has a FULL ON PLAN for you! Maybe you’re just in a funky headspace and being negative or stuck on something that happened that you want to let go but are having a hard time with it, or you are in an argument with someone close to you, or you’re stuck in a complaining loop, or you just got yourself into a mood where you hate everyyyoneeee… we’ve all had moments or days like allll of these and it can be H-A-R-D to get your way out of it! Today, Lindsay is sharing 3 hacks for getting the hell out of the negative hole you are sitting in and get into a positive state of mind. And not in a fake, cheesy way. Like genuinely happy and feeling like you are on track and enjoying your days and being the person that you want to be. Lindsay says… "If I know ANYTHING- I know for sure that the thoughts you think and the words you say create the world that you live in. So it’s worth fighting like HELL to get in a happy headspace and stay there." Lindsay is sharing a few hacks and I know at least one will work for you! Even if you don’t have a positive support system or that one go-to positive person that can help lift you out. That’s ok! You can do this on your own! It’s so important to be positive because its how you SEE and REACT to the world! It’s how you label things and interpret things! A few topics Lindsay discusses: --Music as your mantra --Find your most positive person in your crew --OR get it virtually! Find people that inspire you- and listen to them like they are your friends! **especially important to interrupt your thinking when you are off! -And STOP the things that make you feel like hell! -Don’t let yourself go down a spiral! -Sometimes - we need a down day!! Remove yourself from the world and get re-centered. -TUNE OUT the negativity if it is someone else!! Tell them or don’t! -SUBMERGE YOURSELF in all the positives -Get in as many 10s as you can -SAY NO to anything that sounds awful - remove it all - we are rebooting here - we aren’t saying YES to be nice. -We have to be nice to ourselves first. We can’t pour from an empty cup!!! CHEERS to living in your happiest headspace!