221. How To Be Awesome At Planning Your Holiday Months

This is the PERFECT time to plan out your holiday events. I’m not like a bring pumpkins out in August type of person but I am a plan a few months ahead for the busiest months of the year type of person.  Today we are talking about getting your calendar going for October, November and December.   It may seem early to plan for the holidays but it will make your life so much easier… plus the way we’re going to do it is so much fun.  I have lots of ideas for you for each month so you fill it intentionally with adventures that sound fun to you and your crew.  It’s the best way to save time and money and chaos in your life I’m telling you.  By thinking of these things ahead of time, you don’t spend time racing around trying to find something that works the day before or the morning of… PLUS you save money because you can weigh out your options ahead of time and it’s almost always more awesome. We are doing some awesome early holiday event planning today! I do everything on paper calendars and I love it.. but if you don’t use a paper calendar already.. print out just the months of October, November and December.   Put in anything you already know the dates for first.  Then brain dump the things you might do or want to plan for.   It’s the best way to save time and money and chaos in your life I’m telling you.  By thinking of these things ahead of time, you don’t spend time racing around trying to find something that works the day before or the morning of… PLUS you save money because you can weigh out your options ahead of time and it’s almost always more awesome. Like I’m obsessed with a baker who makes the cutest cookies - they are $4 each and so custom and personalized - so I’ll ping her for the 3 major events I have going on during this holiday season.  Maybe you bring them as a hostess gift for someone throwing a holiday party or have your kids give them to teachers with a gift card for a holiday gift… there are just so many things!  (Cookie contact: SavageCollections.CS@gmail.com) I’m a huge plan of planning ahead and ordering online or through email/text/etsy - love supporting small businesses too, and often more unique and personalized - and it’s done!  No stress or panic our just buying to buy whatever you can find at the last minute.  And reservations!  I love making lunch and dinner reservations ahead of time so it’s never a stress not having an option when you want to go out.  Even if I don’t know exactly who is going yet or if it will work out, I look at the calendar and make reservations based on how the weeks are looking and just cancel ahead of time if it doesn’t work.  It takes me a few hours every other month and then we’re never stuck starving waiting an hour for a table at a restaurant. Stress eliminated!  Here are some fun ideas of things to get on your calendar for the upcoming fun holiday months.  (Let’s not spend the next 3 months in a mall!)  October  Family photos (need outfits and maybe props)  Pumpkin Patch  Order Christmas jammies!  Haunted House  Amusement Park- Haunted style  Apple Picking  Swap out summer clothes for fall clothes in closets  Make/ Order Halloween Costumes  Make pumpkin pancakes/ desserts! Decorate the house for fall  Carve pumpkins or have a pumpkin carving party  November  Volunteering - maybe packing food for a family  Thankful activity/game for Thanksgiving  Thankful shirts/outfits  Watch holiday movies  Host a pie swap Host a Friendsgiving Decorate the home for Thanksgiving  Find someone to thank in a creative way  Get outside!  Bike ride, hike  December  Tree Farm/ Lot  Santa Photos  Volunteering  Gingerbread Decorating Christmas Light Viewing  Cookie Exchange Party  Plan a wintery getaway  Make winter drinks!  Hot chocolate, egg nog, spiked apple cider.  Give away old toys (before new ones come in)  DIY holiday gifts  Make it to the snow! Start thinking of NY resolutions  Add in a fitness challenge to keep you moving your body during the busy (and mostly based around eating) months!  -We will have LOTS of discussions on gifts and planning ahead for that!  But for now for this, let’s think about anything we need to order for events.  Treats, hostess gifts, outfits for your family.  CHEERS to planning ahead for the most awesome holiday season ever!

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The How To Be Awesome At Everything is a podcast about our journey to be the best that we can in everything we do. To be intentional about how we spend our time and how we treat our bodies and how the thoughts that we think and words that we say create the world that we live in. What started as a folder of life lessons to share with her kids one day has become a podcast with over one million downloads. Always with a growth mindset, Lindsay presents topics that she thinks are worth hitting pause on life to focus on. She shares her successes (and failures!) in business and in life and her journey to be awesome at everything.