223. How To Be Awesome At Knowing What You Stand For

We’re all going through life experiencing and listening and learning… out of all of the things… how much do we really translate that into what means the most to us and what we stand for.   I found that when you are crystal clear on what you stand for and what you care about… decisions become really easy. Because you’re clear on what’s important to you and what’s worth fighting for and the headspace that you live in.   When you’re faced with challenges or conflict… you don’t have this big figure it out moment… or worse… react and the total opposite way that you wish you would have.    Because you know what you stand for and you’re reminded of it on the daily.   It requires putting your earplugs in and ignoring the noise and distractions around you.     It took me a year to organize what I really stand for and what I’ve learned in my life thus far… and how to have them be a part of our daily lives and how we operate.          Some key points:   -We read and listen to interesting things ALL THE TIME- but how do we translate them into real life?   -Get a section going in your journal… when you learn a hard lesson… write that shit down!    -Makes mistakes or waste of time decisions easier to stomach- it’s a lesson learned!   -Helps you deal with conflict or hardship in the day.    -Helps you know what’s worth letting go and what’s worth fighting for.   -Helps you strengthen your family bond and priorities    -Helps you stay in a positive headspace   -Give yourself the reminders you need! The ones you get off track with most!        Here is my 40th bday list of life lessons learned thus far:    In this house we know that the thoughts you think and the words you say create the world that you live in.     In this house we don’t overthink. We trust ourselves, make a decision and move on.      In this house we know that perfection isn’t the goal, consistency is.      In this house we now that the state of mind that you are in when you leave this house determines the type of day that you have.      In this house we know that family and health are the most important.      In this house we know that success is relentless execution.      In this house we know that hard work pays off.      In this house we know that the words you say create an environment in your head of what you are becoming.      In this house we aren’t afraid to fail.     In this house we leave it all out on the field.      In this house we aren’t trying to be perfect.  We’re trying to be better than we were yesterday.      In this house we love hard.      In this house we summer hard.     In this house we celebrate big.      In this house we get back up.      In this house we protect our happy headspace.      In this house we know that good or bad, this is just a moment and it won’t last forever.      In this house we know that it doesn’t matter what other people think of us.      In this house we get uncomfortable and do hard things.     In this house we eat the frog and do the hard thing first!     In this house we make sure to be where are feet are.     In this house we don’t look out the back window.      In this house we know that the best way to make good decisions is to make sure we don’t put ourselves in bad situations.      In this house we focus on getting in our 10s everyday.     In this house we know that that meaning of life is doing the things you love with the people you love.      In this house we go to bed without crumbs.     In this house we know that boos don’t block dunks.      In this house we know that no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen.    In this house we know that people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.      In this house we own our mistakes and we don’t let them define us.      In this house we know there are two acceptable outcomes.  We tried hard and were victorious or we tried as hard as we could and it just didn’t work this time.      In this house we know that you don’t always get what you want but you always get what you absolutely must have.    In this house we know that being wrong is better than doing nothing.    In this house we know that nobody can ruin your day.      In this house we control our crazy!    CHEERS!  To knowing what you stand for and making it a part of your daily life! 

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The How To Be Awesome At Everything is a podcast about our journey to be the best that we can in everything we do. To be intentional about how we spend our time and how we treat our bodies and how the thoughts that we think and words that we say create the world that we live in. What started as a folder of life lessons to share with her kids one day has become a podcast with over one million downloads. Always with a growth mindset, Lindsay presents topics that she thinks are worth hitting pause on life to focus on. She shares her successes (and failures!) in business and in life and her journey to be awesome at everything.