249. How To Be Awesome At Doing The Hard Thing Consistently

How To Be Awesome At Doing The Hard Thing Consistently.. oftentimes without seeing results or many results… but continuing to do it anyway.    It’s what I think is actually the secret to being successful at most things.    Most people try the thing - whatever that is - sending sales emails, lifting weights, eating healthy, starting a side business, tuning out anything negative, losing weight… but don’t keep going it long enough.    First we need to make sure the goal is the right goal for you.  After that, we’re set… we just have to keep doing the things, over and over, that we know will get us there.  To be able to have a very clear focus on what needs to be done and have the mental toughness to not quit when you don’t see immediate results.    Here’s how you do it - you set-up a system to focus on and enjoy the process rather than focus on the end goal of trophy or reward.    Today’s podcast is all about how to consistently do the hard things.   Because here’s the thing - if you commit and really give full effort and do it long enough - it would be completely unrealistic to not see progress and growth.    I’m telling you the secret sauce in getting what you want is doing the hard thing over and over and over again, even when you don’t see results yet.  It’s the ability to avoid distraction, ignore outside noise, delay gratification and keep doing the hard things required to make awesome things happen.     I’ve worked with so many very successful entrepreneurs and now I’m having daily calls with women who are really building and growing and progressing personally and professionally and the common denominator is not an intense early morning routine or inherited money to invest or a high level academic education.    While those can sometimes be a factor, it’s more the ability of these women to wake up and keep doing the hard thing.    Same goes with fitness or lifting weights.  For most of us, it takes so damn long to see results.  So it’s not easy to keep going.  It’s hard to do hard things without seeing or feeling the reward as soon as we want.      Here are some of the key points Lindsay talks about in this episode:    -Keep getting uncomfortable    -Enjoy the process - even when it’s painful    -Realize that it would be unrealistic to think you won’t see change and progress if you keep going. Most people quit before they even have a chance.    -Head down, blinders on.  Your opinion is the only one that matters right now and it doesn’t matter what other people are doing.    -Listen to David Goggins and Andrew Huberman for more in depth on this   -Expect discomfort and embrace it.  It’s all about managing expectations.  Goggins says “embrace the suck”    -Create a solid plan    -Build it into your schedule or routine    -Decide and commit - there’s no decision to be made - just need to execute    -Hold yourself accountable    -Hard work becomes harder when you’re doing it for the result or reward or end goal    -Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University   -Andrew Huberman talks about a Stanford study - kids liked to draw and gave them a reward - like a sticker when they drew. Then they stopped giving them the sticker- then they were less likely to draw because they didnt get the reward anymore.  When we receive rewards - or give ourselves rewards- we associate less pleasure to it.    -According to Huberman, dopamine is released in response to experiences that are pleasurable or rewarding, such as eating delicious food or achieving a goal. Dopamine helps to reinforce these behaviors, making it more likely that we will repeat them in the future.   -If you get a peak in dopamine from a reward - it lowers baseline   -Makes you do it for the rewards   -Growth Mindset - striving is the end goal - we are always growing- we never reach the destination - we are focused on the effort itself.    -Learning to access the rewards from the EFFORT not the result.    -Tell yourself - this effort is awesome    -Forcing yourself to stick to a hard workout    -You can evoke a dopamine release from the challenge you are in    -If you are focused only on the goal - you enjoy the process less and makes it more painful    -Dopamine increases the amount of energy we have and sharpness of mind    -The feeling of effort is the mental reward.     -Tell yourself- I know this doesn't feel good - but I love it.    -In the moments of the biggest suck - this is painful and because it’s painful it will increase my baseline dopamine later - but also I know in this moment I am doing it by choice and because I love it.    -David Goggins talks about turning the effort into the reward.    -Allows you to stay focused and not get distracted.    -Learning to spike dopamine from effort itself - not before or after is key!   Cheers to all the hard things! And doing them over and over again! 

Om Podcasten

The How To Be Awesome At Everything is a podcast about our journey to be the best that we can in everything we do. To be intentional about how we spend our time and how we treat our bodies and how the thoughts that we think and words that we say create the world that we live in. What started as a folder of life lessons to share with her kids one day has become a podcast with over one million downloads. Always with a growth mindset, Lindsay presents topics that she thinks are worth hitting pause on life to focus on. She shares her successes (and failures!) in business and in life and her journey to be awesome at everything.