274. How To Be Awesome At Dealing With Fails
Let’s talk about failing. I’ve come to embrace failure in a way that I wish I did in years past. Because here’s the thing.. if you’re failing here and there as you go, it means you’re out there doing stuff and trying new things and learning along the way. If you tend to beat yourself when something does work… or you are super self conscious about it and worry what other people will think or say… or you stop trying the thing you were working towards- lean in here because I used to do all that and it’s so much better on the other side. I think the very first thing we do is own it and make it known. It’s the only way to not keep thinking about it or worrying if people will realize. Listen, people are more concerned about what they’re doing anyway- take full ownership of it, say it out loud and move on! It’s not who are you - it doesn’t mean you should stop- because now you have that lesson that you didn’t before. We are talking about so many healthy strategies when it comes to failing today like - learning fast from it and flip the script- it’s not a setback - it’s a set-up for a comeback! Know that your attitude about it is actually everything and how to position gratitude into this whole thing. We’re talking all things failing and getting back up today. Own It & Face The Reality Don't blame others or the universe. Own your failures like they're your favorite success story waiting to happen. Failures happen. Own it, acknowledge it and figure out the lesson. No Excuses Winners don’t need excuses. That’s it- we own it, even if it could be partially on someone else too. Learn Fast Failures can be the universe's way of telling you to level up. Learn from them at the speed of light. Extract the lessons, embrace the suck, and move on. Flip the Script It's not a setback; it's a set-up for a comeback. Use it as fuel for the fire burning inside you. Adjust the Strategy, Not the Goal: Your goal is non-negotiable, but your strategy might need an overhaul. Be flexible in your approach, but relentless in your pursuit of the goal. Fail Forward: Failure is not falling down; it's staying down. Use each failure as a stepping stone to a higher level of success. Reinvest Your Pain: The pain of failure is an investment. Reinvest it into your next move. Let it fuel your determination to come back stronger. Have Patience Zoom out and have patience with your journey, but when it comes to fixing your failures, move fast. Embrace the Hustle: If you're not failing, you're not hustling hard enough. Embrace the hustle, embrace the grind. Failures are just stepping stones on the path to achieving your goal. Double Down on Strengths: Your failures might be highlighting your weaknesses, but double down on your strengths. That's where the magic happens. Focus on what you're great at and watch the game change. Get help for what you’re not great at. Crush It Next Time Failure is not the end- it's the setup for the next big win. Crush it next time. Use the pain of failure as momentum for a big comeback. Gratitude Over Grief! "Instead of grieving your failures, be grateful for the lessons they bring. Failure is a gift if you unwrap it with the right mindset." Attitude is Everything!! Your attitude will define your success. It’s everything when it comes to this!! If you can shift the way you think and react to your failures, they can actually be some of your greatest gifts! Embrace your fails - it might just be what makes you actually soar!!