299. 15 Awesome Messages To Say To Our Kids Constantly
I realized I wanted to have a few key things that I say to my kids all the time, that they will remember their whole lives. You know how special it is when someone says, oh growing up my mom always told me this… or my dad made sure I knew this… Parenting can be overwhelming and a lot just keeping up with the day-to-day. I sat down last week to write out the things that I’ve learned along the way that I think are the most important to help them be confident and strong and kind and grow up to be really awesome people. My goal in this podcast episode is to you give you lots of ideas of things to say to your kids over and over so it really sinks in. Here we go! 15 Awesome Messages To Say To Our Kids Constantly... 1 Make decisions and pursue passions based on what feels best to you. You define what success means to you. 2. Comparing yourself to other people will always steal your joy. 3 If you never speak unkindly of people, you never have to worry about it coming back to you. 4. The best way to make good decisions is to not put yourself in a bad situations. 5. Call me the second something goes sideways - I’ve got your back always. 6 Follow the rules and always be kind, but also live boldly and push limits. 7 Embrace all of your emotions and don’t label any as good or bad. 8 The more you fail, the more you are trying. Collect as many fails as you can and learn the lessons along the way. 9 Never say a word about your body that you wouldn’t say to your best friend about hers. 10 Give full effort to everything you do. 11 Family first, always take care of each other. 12 Don’t let little things that don’t matter in the big picture, get you too upset. 13 Make it your mission to be the one that helps someone who needs it. Sit by someone who is alone, volunteer and dedicate time to others. (The way to never feel entitled and see how most of the world lives) 14 You can become good at literally anything you want to be - you just have to be willing to work hard for it. Hard work, consistently can get you anywhere you want. 15 You are so incredibly loved 🤍🤍