300. How To Be Awesome At Planning Life Adventures With Your Tribe!
The goal of this episode is to get you thinking about planning more newness in your life. New experiences and adventures. Because we know- If you don’t put stuff on your calendar that you really want to do - life will take over. Work will happen, chores will be there and before you know it, we’re running life in reactive mode. All of the other life stuff will fill in anyway. Today we are focusing on planning things ahead of time that feel exciting and that you can do with your favorite people on the planet. We’re going through lots of ideas and getting rid of any hurdles you might have in your way as we go. Let’s map it all out then all we have to do is follow the script. Braindump things you’d love to do! See who wants to do it with you! figure out what’s stopping you and what are you believing that isnt actually true? Ideas of what to do! *Get a group together for a cooking class followed by dinner with wine pairing *Visit a local farm and book an apple picking experience Find a local path and plan a hike *Go camping for the weekend at a local spot Take a photography workshop class with friends *Set-up a volunteering event to help people in need in your area *Plan a day or weekend filled with local museums and art galleries *Learn to kayak at a local river *Road trip to a nearby city and plan shops and cafes to visit *Plan a day long bike ride with a fun stop for lunch *Plan a ride in a hot air balloon *Get a group to go indoor rock climbing *Book a rental cabin for the weekend *Take the train on an adventure *Run a non-profit project with a friend *Learn a new skill *Take a new class with family and friends.