83. How To Be Awesome At Being The Person You Want To Be

You know sometimes the way you act or the way you speak isn’t actually the way you mean to?  And isn’t actually the person you want to be? Maybe you react in a way that you don’t mean to… or you think you are being patient but it doesn’t come across that way to the person you are talking to… We all have those moments.  In this podcast, we  are digging deep to first identity how you want to be on the daily and how you want people to describe you.   Lindsay shares two very tactical ways she’s learned to remind herself to be the person she wants to be in the little moments and also in the big moments. This episode is alllll about identifying what qualities are most important to you, and setting a very practical plan to make sure you are that person on the daily. Today, we are going to be very self-actualized and honest with ourselves and set-up some new daily habits to be our most awesome selves. Cheers to your most awesome self, everyday!

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The How To Be Awesome At Everything is a podcast about our journey to be the best that we can in everything we do. To be intentional about how we spend our time and how we treat our bodies and how the thoughts that we think and words that we say create the world that we live in. What started as a folder of life lessons to share with her kids one day has become a podcast with over one million downloads. Always with a growth mindset, Lindsay presents topics that she thinks are worth hitting pause on life to focus on. She shares her successes (and failures!) in business and in life and her journey to be awesome at everything.