38: How to Build a Healthy Home | Jen & Rusty Stout

Send me a text!We know it’s important to eat a healthy diet, take vitamins, and consume the right number of calories to fuel exercise and boost cardiovascular health. Many of us are willing to pay a premium for organic whole foods and monthly gym memberships. We even spend top dollar on premium-priced organic clothing and sheets – all in the name of healthier living. This is all great, beneficial, and essential to living a better life. However, it’s truly surprising how few people stop to thi...

Om Podcasten

Follow health and wellness researcher Jacqueline Genova, as she speaks to some of the leading figures in the fields of wellness, integrative medicine, and mental health about what it means to be well and strong – in both body and mind. Get ready to be empowered, inspired, and motivated about becoming an advocate for your own health. Note: This podcast episode is designed solely for informational and educational purposes, without endorsing or promoting any specific medical treatments. We strongly advise consulting with a qualified healthcare professional before making any medical decisions or taking any actions.