Introducing ‘It’s Rom-Complicated!’ How to Find Love by Watching Rom-Com Movies (Seriously!) Episode 1: ‘Groundhog Day’

What if watching so-called “chick flicks” could make you a chick magnet and bring romance into your real life? It may sound far-fetched, but dating coach Connell Barrett has learned a lot about finding love—what works and what doesn’t—from rom-com movies. Introducing “It’s Rom-Complicated,” a new series that reveals the dating wisdom hidden in Hollywood’s most beloved comedies. In the first episode, Connell and his special guest—his charming, witty girlfriend Jessamin—analyze “Groundhog Day,” the 1993 time-loop comedy starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.Episode Highlights:4:05: What’s the One Day from Your Life You Would Relive Again and Again?10:45 How ‘Groundhog Day’ Helped Connell Escape His Own Dating Time Loop17:15: The Rom-Commie Awards: The Best and Worst Dating Moves in ‘Groundhog Day’19:46: Why Arrogant Men like Phil Connors (Bill Murray) Make Women Cringe26:17: The Best Dating Move You Should Absolutely Steal from Phil27:39: The ‘Don’t Do This!’ Award: A Dating Mistake to Avoid IRL31:08: The Creepiest Pickup-Artist Tip Connell Ever Got (And Why It’s So Wrong)36:20: Bill Murray: Comedic Genius or Total Nightmare on Set? (It’s Complicated…)44:46: What if ‘Groundhog Day’ got the Cinemax After Dark Treatment?52:32: The Truth About What Makes Women ‘Chase’ Certain Men (It’s NOT Looks or Money)57:35: The Movie’s Biggest Love Lesson that Every Man Needs to KnowIf Phil can escape Punxsutawney, you can break out of your dating rut. Bing! Listen now!Introducing ‘It’s Rom-Complicated!’ How to find love by watching—wait! Haven’t we done this before?FOR A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH CONNELL TO LEARN HOW TO HAVE GREAT FIRST DATES: GET FREE ACCESS TO “THE FLIRTY 30,” CHARMING QUESTIONS TO ASK WOMEN ON DATES, ON THE APPS, AND WHEN YOU APPROACH: A FREE COPY OF CONNELL’S NO. 1 AMAZON BESTSELLING BOOK, “DATING SUCKS BUT YOU DON’T”? EMAIL CONNELL AND WRITE “FREE BOOK” IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND YOU’LL GET IT

Om Podcasten

Yes, you can get a great girlfriend! And dating coach Connell Barrett will show you how to confidently connect with women by being authentic—no creepy pickup moves needed. On the How to Get a Girlfriend Podcast, Connell offers the kinds of tested dating tips he shared in his bestselling book, Dating Sucks but You Don’t, and in his TV appearances (GMA, “Today.”) In his 12 years as a coach, Connell has helped thousands of men in 17 countries find love. No wonder Psychology Today named him “America’s top dating coach for men.” Connell personally faced—and fixed—every common dating problem, from not knowing how to flirt to dating-app struggles to low self-confidence. After meeting his dream girlfriend Jess, Connell now helps nice guys and gentlemen find love by dating with “Radical Authenticity.” Ready to meet your soulmate? Join Connell and his expert guests every week for game-changing advice. Carpe date ’em. Seize the date!