How to Talk to Boys about Sex with Peggy Orenstein Rerelease

Special Guest: Peggy Orenstein The pervasiveness of hook-up culture, ubiquity of locker room banter, accessibility of internet porn, media steeped with distorted images and wide acceptance of the “man box” or “bro culture” participation is having complex and negative effects on our boys. And as pornography has become a new kind of sex education that most boys are privy to by the tender age of 11 and sexual assault showing itself as a more commonplace occurrence, it is time for a change. As squeamish as it may make us, we’ve got to get talking to boys are sex. About consent. About empathy, porn, intimacy, media, misogyny, arousal, LGBTQ, connection. This, as you all know by now, is not just one talk but a series of little and bog discussions along the way. It is not just for Moms or just for Dads- this is for all of us. When we unravel the hidden truths and put high beams on the realities of young male sexuality and culture in today’s world, we create a provocative paradigm-shift that can help us move forward to raising more-informed boys and better men. Peggy Orenstein is the New York Times bestselling author of Girls and sex, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, Waiting for Daisy, Flux and Schoolgirls. A contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine, she has been published in USA Today, Parenting, Salon, the New Yorker and other publications, and has contributed commentary to NPR’s "All Things Considered." Her new book has come out to glowing reviews and is called Boys and Sex, Young Men on Hook Ups, Love, Porn, consent and navigating the new masculinity. She lives in Northern California with her husband and daughter.

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The How to Talk to Kids about Anything Parenting Podcast, hosted by Dr. Robyn Silverman (Child & Teen Development Specialist, parenting coach, author, speaker and mom of 2), provides hands-on tips, powerful scripts, inspiring stories and specific steps to make even the toughest conversations easier. Featuring revealing interviews with the top experts in their fields, How To Talk to Kids about Anything gives parents and educators the tools and take-aways they've been looking for but have yet to find. From bullying and the gift of failure to death, divorce, money, sex, anger, anxiety and more, listeners will discover what to do, what to say and how to say it in a non-judgmental, honest, accessible format. Consider Dr. Robyn’s How to Talk to Kid about Anything podcast, your one-stop-parenting-shop delivering exactly what you need, when you need it, from someone you trust.