Jason Parker '11, Senior Program Manager - Dealer.com Business Administration - Marketing Concentration

Practicing Active Listening, How to Get Promoted and How to Become a Mentor with Jason Parker, a 2011 graduate of the University of Vermont from Auburn, Maine.  Jason was a business major with a concentration in marketing with a penchant for Ultimate Frisbee.  We talk about a really unique and cool adventure Jason went on immediately after graduation and dive into really useful topics that include:  How to best position yourself for a promotion or a role you really want  We describe Active Listening and how it can be a gamechanger for your relationships and career  We discuss the importance of finding a mentor but also mentoring others, and how you can specifically find others to mentor no matter what your skill level or experience.  Enjoy! 

Om Podcasten

This podcast has one goal: to deliver tangible and practical advice for students and professionals at all levels of their careers. I bring on a diverse group of professionals from different backgrounds and careers so that no matter who you hope to become in the future, there's someone you can relate with on this show.