Refugee Co-Instructors: How Residents of Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda are Teaching Students at the University of Denver to Bridge the Gap between Policy and Practice

Courtney Welton-Mitchell (University of Denver), Chen Reis (University of Denver), and Frederic Kastner (Fuse Foundation) gives a talk for the Innovative Approaches to Education and Skills Training in Humanitarian Contexts Panel. This presentation highlights refugees as co-instructors, teaching students in a graduate level refugee studies course to understand the gap between aspirational policies and the reality of life in restrictive camp-like environments. Innovative Approaches to Education and Skills Training in Humanitarian Contexts This panel discusses new approaches to provision of education and skills training for affected populations.

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The Humanitarian Innovation Conference 2015, #HIP2015, was hosted by the Humanitarian Innovation Project, in partnership with the World Humanitarian Summit, in Oxford on 17 and 18 July 2015. The theme of the conference was ‘facilitating innovation’. As interest and dialogue around humanitarian innovation continues to expand, conference participants were invited to explore the challenges of creating an enabling environment for humanitarian innovation. In the lead up to the World Humanitarian Summit 2016, a key focus of the conference explored how we enable innovation by and for affected communities. What does it mean to take a human-centred approach seriously, and to engage in co-creation with affected populations? It also sought to examine what facilitation means across the wider humanitarian ecosystem, and how we can better convene the collective talents of people within and across traditional and non-traditional humanitarian actors.